- 观点1: Procedure:
1st, Mao Gan floats with the clear water whitens only, the piece becomes a centimeter wide long thin slice, floats with the cold water. Liver, waist and beef even piece Cheng Youbo big piece. 2, the onion and the tender garlic shoots sliver 7 110 centimeter long section. The fresh vegetables (cabbage, celery,) the cabbage, the peashoots may), with the clear water cleaning, rip the lengthy picture. 3, the bean drum, the bean petal mince. The wok sets at on the medium baking temperature, gets down when the butter 75 grams, burn maturely to eight (approximately 180℃), puts in the bean petal to fry crisply, joins Jiang Mo, the chili powder, the Chinese prickly ash to fry the fragrance, the re-entry steamed beef soup fever boils, moves to the strong fire, puts in the cooking wine, the bean drum, the glutinous rice wine juice, the fever boils the taste, casts aside the completely spume, namely for hot pot thick gravy. 4, divides into the sesame oil and the monosodium glutamate 4, the furnishing 4 taste small dishes, for dips edible. Near eating when) boils the thick gravy fever the table, each kind of meat vegetable raw material distinction enters in every time the plate, with the refined salt, the butter 125 grams at the same time on tables, besides the spinal cord, the onion, the tender garlic shoots must under enter the hot pot first, other raw materials enter by the guest along with the food along with. Very hot, and right amount joins the refined salt and the butter according to the soup taste shade. 答案补充 The sesame oil 40 grams, the monosodium glutamate 4 grams, the chili powder 40 grams, ginger end 50 grams, Chinese prickly ash 4 grams, refined salt 10 grams, the bean drum 40 grams, awake the bad juice 100 grams, dan the county bean petal 125 grams, the cooking wine 15 grams, the ripe butter 200 grams, the steamed beef soup 2250 grams. Other mother stocks defer to their taste to come. - 观点2: Procedure:
1st, Mao Gan floats with the clear water whitens only, the piece becomes a centimeter wide long thin slice, floats with the cold water. Liver, waist and beef even piece Cheng Youbo big piece. 2, the onion and the tender garlic shoots sliver 7 110 centimeter long section. The fresh vegetables (cabbage, celery,) the cabbage, the peashoots may), with the clear water cleaning, rip the lengthy picture. 3, the bean drum, the bean petal mince. The wok sets at on the medium baking temperature, gets down when the butter 75 grams, burn maturely to eight (approximately 180℃), puts in the bean petal to fry crisply, joins Jiang Mo, the chili powder, the Chinese prickly ash to fry the fragrance, the re-entry steamed beef soup fever boils, moves to the strong fire, puts in the cooking wine, the bean drum, the glutinous rice wine juice, the fever boils the taste, casts aside the completely spume, namely for hot pot thick gravy. 4, divides into the sesame oil and the monosodium glutamate 4, the furnishing 4 taste small dishes, for dips edible. Near eating when) boils the thick gravy fever the table, each kind of meat vegetable raw material distinction enters in every time the plate, with the refined salt, the butter 125 grams at the same time on tables, besides the spinal cord, the onion, the tender garlic shoots must under enter the hot pot first, other raw materials enter by the guest along with the food along with. Very hot, and right amount joins the refined salt and the butter according to the soup taste shade. 答案补充 The sesame oil 40 grams, the monosodium glutamate 4 grams, the chili powder 40 grams, ginger end 50 grams, Chinese prickly ash 4 grams, refined salt 10 grams, the bean drum 40 grams, awake the bad juice 100 grams, dan the county bean petal 125 grams, the cooking wine 15 grams, the ripe butter 200 grams, the steamed beef soup 2250 grams. Other mother stocks defer to their taste to come. 答案补充 口语化表达。。也挺复杂,不如直接中文完事了。。 答案补充 Where person are you ? - 观点3:
- 扩展阅读1:后吃什么好 健康饮食建议与菜谱推荐?
- 1. 多吃蔬菜和水果:蔬菜和水果富含维生素、矿物质和纤维素等营养物质,有助于保持身体健康。建议每天摄入五种不同颜色的蔬菜和水果。2. 适量摄入蛋白质:蛋白质是构成我们身体的重要物质,但过量摄入会增加肾脏负担。建议...
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- 姜片30克、白砂糖20克、盐适量、酱油25克、黄酒30克、冰糖25克、花生油15克。五花肉切成2.5厘米见方的块儿,用凉水下锅。水开后把肉块儿煮5分钟。捞出,控净水分备用。
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