- 观点1: A Brief Discussion of cultural differences
between Chinese and Western restaurants
Food and beverage products as a result of geographical features, climate environment, customs and other factors, will appear in the raw materials, flavors, cooking methods, eating habits of different degrees of difference. It is precisely because of these differences, food and beverage products have a strong regional. The difference between Chinese and Western cultures to create a diet of Chinese and Western cultural differences, and this difference from the Western way of thinking and a different philosophy of life. Chinese people focus on "harmony between man and nature", the Western emphasis on "people-oriented."
First, the concept of two different diets
Contrast-oriented "flavor" of the Chinese diet, the Western diet is a rational concept. Regardless of food color, flavor and taste, how to shape, and nutrition must be assured that one day pay attention to the intake of calories, vitamins, protein and so on. Even if the same taste, but also must stop - as nutritious
Chinese people attach great importance to "eat" and "Hunger breeds" illustrated this proverb we eat is as important as seen with the day. As a result of our nation for thousands of years the low level of productivity, there is always enough to eat, why we have to eat a unique above all else the food culture,
Cookery in China, to almost the ultimate pursuit of delicious, as well as overseas Chinese to make a living, have a restaurant for the industry, we have become the fundamental work and live in peace in the world!
Chinese cuisine in the tasting, they tend to say that this dish "delicious" dishes that "no good"; however, to ask further what is meant by "good", why "It's delicious," "delicious" Where, I am afraid that it will be difficult to clear. This shows that the pursuit of the Chinese diet is difficult to explain in words of a "mood", that is, people often use the word "color, flavor and taste, form, browser" to this "state" specific, I am afraid that is still had a very difficult cover.
The reason why Chinese food has its own unique charm, the key lies in its taste. And the selection of delicious is to reconcile, for the taste of food, cooked food after heating, together with the flavor ingredients and excipients, as well as to reconcile the smell of spices, woven together to coordinate the integration to each other, mutual aid infiltration, harmonious , you have me, I have you. China cuisine about the beauty of harmony is the essence of Chinese culinary art of the. Dish-shaped and the color point is the external things, and the taste is something intrinsic, rather than deliberate modification of the internal re-appearance, re-taste dishes of food and not too much to demonstrate the shape and color, this is China and the United States concept of diet the performance of the most important.
In China, the diet of the United States is clearly an overwhelming reason to pursue this concept with the traditional Chinese diet philosophy is identical.
Second, the difference between Chinese and Western restaurants target
Westerners think that food is to eat, so eat large pieces of meat, whole chickens and other "hard vegetables." China's cuisine is "Taste", so the Chinese cooking at the selected materials also show a great many Westerners arbitrary things as disposable materials in China are excellent raw materials, foreign chefs can not deal with the things, the hands of a chef in China, you can dice sanctified. Chinese food shows in the materials used for the extensive arbitrary.
Westerners in their own country to introduce the characteristics of the diet, I feel more than the Chinese with emphasis on the rational nutrition, there are more developed food industries, such as canned food, fast food and so on, although the same taste, but to save time, and good nutrition,
In Western diets are very different, such differences also have an impact on the national character. In China, a banquet, no matter what purpose, there will be only a form, that is, everyone sitting around, sharing a seat. Use round-table banquet, which resulted from a form of solidarity, courtesy of Fun atmosphere. Delicious food on the table's center, people appreciate it is a table, the object of taste is also a table of vector-borne human feelings. People to toast each other so that food and food advice in the face of good things, reflects the mutual respect between people, the virtues of comity.
Western-style banquets, the food and wine, although very important, but in fact it is as a foil. Friendship is the core of the banquet, with the conversation between the guests sitting next to the purpose of friendship. Chinese food and more obvious differences in the way of Western popular buffet. This method is one by one all the food out, we take what we need or do not have a fixed position on the eating, walking free, in this way to facilitate the exchange of emotion between individuals, so do not have all the table, but also the Westerners personality, self-respect. However, eating their own, each disturbance, the lack of a number of Chinese people enjoy better atmosphere for a total of music.
中国饮食之所以有其独特的魅力,关键就在于它的味。而美味的产生,在于调和,要使食物的本味,加热以后的熟味,加上配料和辅料的味以及调料的调和之味,交织融合协调在一起,使之互相补充,互助渗透,水 融,你中有我,我中有你。中国烹饪讲究的调和之美,是中国烹饪艺术的精要之处。菜点的形和色是外在的东西,而味却是内在的东西,重内在而不刻意修饰外表,重菜肴的味而不过分展露菜肴的形和色,这正是中国美性饮食观的最重要的表现。
西式饮宴上,食品和酒尽管非常重要,但实际上那是作为陪衬。宴会的核心在于交谊,通过与邻座客人之间的交谈,达到交谊的目的。与中国饮食方式的差异更为明显的是西方流行的自助餐。此法是将所有食物一一陈列出来,大家各取所需,不必固定在位子上吃,走动自由,这种方式便于个人之间的情感交流,不必将所有的话摆在桌面上,也表现了西方人对个性、对自我的尊重。但各吃各的,互不相扰,缺少了一些中国人聊欢共乐的情调。 - 观点2: 去CNKI 或者万方上都是全文的,在这谁有时间给你写这个啊,去那上边抄抄就够了
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