

观点1: 食品安全小卫士
所以我呼吁大家,特别是中小学生应注意食品安全卫生,对于那一些路边摊学校附近的小商店的食物应该尽可能的不吃,因为好多食品都是不合格的,这样我们才能更好的保证自己的身体健康 Food safety small guards
Although I often hear people say food safety is very important, but I can't hold my mouth, often buy some without health insurance. Although this but I'm in a period of time before meet some about food safety problems, I dare not eat anything.
In a period of time before a series of food hygiene incidents, because of my own intestines and stomach is not very good, plus the current food generally add a small amount of chemical composition of human is bad. For example SanLu last year in the massive within the milk of melamine in lots of children, originally I have stone each week will bring a case of milk to school, but in that period, I was not drink milk, because I also fear and those who have children like stone. Since the melamine after the event, because the country had severe, so the businessman also dare not freeze, we also dare to drink some milk. But recently found a new kind of food with the virus, influenza virus (H1N1 swine flu), this kind of virus and pork, though with bird flu, but haven't found the virus prevention medicine, only rely on ordinary life food and personal hygiene is to prevent the disease in the foreign crazy popular in China mainland, although with influenza pandemic have only three cases H1N1 temporarily, but still have to concern yourself whether health, eat the flesh of the quarantine inspection carries whether seal. Then also discovered many before the food, such as chilli sauce with additives "Sudan red", Sudan red 1 contain carcinogenic substance can make the body, especially in some people like to eat spicy chicken wings in the KFC in Sudan red intake, And we should eat less in the street to buy grilled squid, because the squid is illegal businessmen in order to seek profits, using chemical alum, so we bottle or eat the food, And like the kind of food didn't see anything, but very hot chili peppers, because it has fine, Add in lean lean and pure. And many such after chemical processing of food. If some dry chili on market, dry, dry red jujube, longan, some is sulfur smoke. Eat all of human body is hurt.
Therefore I urge everyone, especially the students should pay attention to the food safety and sanitation, some vendor near the school of small shops as food should eat much food, because not all is unqualified, so that we can better ensure their health
观点2: Improve food safety

China's Ministry of Education has ordered schools to improve food safety in order to avoid more food poisoning incidents.

The education ministry urged schools and kindergartens to step up their efforts against hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) and acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis by both improving the kitchen and water cleanliness and disinfecting toys and other objects children touch.

The ministry also stressed the strengthening of food safety education among school faculty, and said that schools not in compliance with the new guidelines would be dealt with accordingly.



扩展阅读1:常吃零食有哪些营养 零食怎样健康吃
资料图 其实,科学吃零食是有益的。专家为此做了大量调查与研究,认为零食能更好地满足身体对多种维生素和矿物质的需要。从零食中获得的热量达到总热量的20%,获得了维生素占总摄食量的15%。获得矿物质占20 %,铁质占15%...
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