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满意请选为满意答案 谢谢~ - 观点2: Eastern Food Vs. Western FoodWhat's the Difference?written by Kieran LampertWhen asked if they have ever eaten Chinese food before, most Americans will tell you that they have. Maybe one of their favorite places to eat in their hometown is "The Golden Wok," or "China Gate," or some other equally generic Chinese fast food joint. Truth be told, this is not Chinese food. It's not American either, for that matter, but somewhere in between. In actuality, authentic Chinese food is much different from what most Westerners would imagine.Most Chinese dishes use a generous amount of oil. On first experiencing an authentic Chinese dish, most Westerners will not be able to finish the entire meal due to the sheer weight of it. Most Americans are used to pasta, salad, or dried foods like bread and cereal, such as is popular in European countries like France and Italy. Oil is used sparingly due to constant health reminders from Western dietitions. As a result, the dishes tend to be much lighter on the stomach. In Taiwan, however, a meal without oil is like a BLT without bacon.Also, in Taiwan, culture and philosophy are often mixed with food. Even within a meal there is a certain aspect of "yin" and "yang," a balance of forces. Foods are considered to have "hot" and "cold" properties, and foods of both types are often served together in balanced proportions to maintain your health. For example, a common dessert is a cake combining red bean, a "hot" food, with green bean, a "cold" food. By combining these two foods, the dish is considered to be well balanced.Also, rice is extremely prominent in Chinese meals. Most Americans, however, will mix their food with their rice and eat the two together, but this is not the way Chinese traditionally eat their meal. The other foods are eatern first, using the rice as a sort of "drop cloth" if you will. The sauces from the food fall onto the rice, flavoring it, and after it has been flavored the rice is eaten.It is hard to say exactly what "American" food is. Unlike Eastern foods, which have a distinct culture and identity, American foods are simply foods taken from other countries. Some have called America the "melting pot of the world" in regards to the fact that there are people from so many backgrounds living there, mixing cultures and "melting" together to create something new and indescribable. I suppose the same can be said about American food as well. Quite possibly the only thing America has added to the world of food is not really a food at all, but rather a way of serving it; fast food. As usual, Americans make the point that "if someone else does something, we can do it faster and make money off of it." It seems like nowadays there are few, if any, countries without a McDonalds, Burger King or KFC. Though it is not something I'm terribly proud of, I suppose it is the only "food" I can claim as purely American.Which is better? Chinese food, with its culture, philosophy, clear identity, and generous use of oil? Or the wide variety of nameless, countryless, light-on-the-stomach "American" food?YOU decide. There's a world of food out there. Bon Appetite!
The Differences Between Western And Asian Cuisine
European and American cuisines typically fall under the category of Western food, although, at times, Western cooking also includes meals of other countries in Oceania like Australia. And what do food lovers instantly think about when they hear Western food? Steaks, burgers, huge servings of fries, sausages, and ribs are just some.There are usual characteristics that differentiate Western food from other cuisines. First is the quantity of the serving. Compared with the traditional Asian cuisine, serving size of Western cuisine is essentially bigger. What is considered “jumbo” or super size in Asian food is only a regular size in Western cuisine. That’s generally speaking, of course.In Western cooking, meat is also used in huge proportions. If in Asian cooking, meat is only part and parcel of the meal, in Western cooking, meat is the main star. Think of steaks. Thick slabs of meat are the main star of the meal. There are other players on the plate, such as mashed potato and steamed vegetables, but the meat is the only reason why the plate is readied in the first place.The use of rice also differentiates Western from Eastern cooking. In Western cuisine, rice is rarely served and is only treated a side dish, usually to an Eastern-inspired Western food. Rice is given a similar treatment like that of steamed greens, steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes, fries and corn on the cob. In contrast, Asian meal is not complete without rice. It is a staple. Noodles can be a take the place of rice although both rice and noodles can be presented in a meal at the same time.But just like Asian cooking, Western food also puts great emphasis on the use of condiments and seasonings. You can find catsup, mustard, gravy, and other sauces and condiments easily available in eateries specialising in Western dishes.In Singapore, Western foods are now everywhere unlike before. Fast food restaurants serving Western food are now easy to come by. Western foods are also typically found in hawker centres, or al fresco complexes that house food stalls, so you can have access to a burger or fries should you crave for them.The great thing about dining is that the confluence of cultural orientations has made it possible for Westerners to find Asian cooking satisfying and for Asians to find Western food a big treat. This inter-relation of tastes and preferences has given more dining establishments sufficient reason to present both kinds of meals. Thus, where west meets east, you can definitely find great food. - 观点3: 我有,但是请问怎么给你呢?用百度网盘分享?链接: 密码:59vs
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