- 观点1: 巧克力 CHOCOLATE
CHOCOLATE chocolate
It is said that the Swiss like to eat chocolate is cocoa in the 19th century Swiss chocolate milk mix (dark chocolate) made of. Switzerland has a large number of well-known brands: for the first time in the mouth produced by the melting of the chocolate Linde; Switzerland in the construction of the first chocolate factory in Gan coconut; in accordance with the Alps, as it stands, as a trade mark of the triangle will be true triangle, and other well-known chocolate manufacturer, Product is very rich. In addition, the sale of handmade chocolate chocolate shop in the street, shop or biscuits can be very worthwhile to look at. Poetry in the Dai Kele Casagrande or sale of raw chocolate is the preservation of the shortcomings of short duration, but can taste the unique flavor of Swiss chocolate, as a gift is also very good.
瑞士人非常喜欢而且重视奶酪,除了格鲁椰尔和作为气孔奶酪生产地而出名的爱蒙塔尔以外,瑞士很多地方都能品尝到各种各样的奶酪。在山里制作的奶酪其保存性能很好,一般都是硬质或半硬质,如果不是很热的季节,回国前可以买一些送人(行李上很容易浸味, 所以应注意包装)。
Cheese (CHEESE)
Swiss cheese love and attention, in addition to Georgia and Seoul as a stoma coconut cheese production to the famous Emmental, Switzerland many places to be able to taste a variety of cheese. In the mountains of cheese production to preserve its good performance in general are hard or semi-hard, if not the hot season, before returning to anyone to buy (on luggage easily Baptist flavor, so should pay attention to packaging).
Wine (WINE)
Switzerland for its high-quality wine has been highly praised, but because of limited production, so most of the country can import wine Switzerland, so as a gift to take home a good comparison. In various parts of the wine production in the characteristics of the dominant species, directly after the taste can also be purchased.
钟表业中“瑞士制造”已变成著名商标,这种表的机械部分、装饰部分非常精致。瑞士钟表一直以可信赖的高品质,和宝石等细工的美感而受到高度评价。著名的瑞士劳力士、欧米加、浪琴、伯爵、百达斐丽、弗兰克·穆勒 (Frank Muller)、宝奇莱等品牌。此外,以斯沃其为代表的时尚手表也不少。
Watches, precious stones (WATCH AND JEWERY)
Clocks and watches, "Switzerland" has become a well-known trademarks, which forms part of the machinery, part of the decoration is very delicate. Swiss watches has been a reliable high-quality, and precious stones, and other fine works of beauty and high ratings. Well-known Swiss Rolex, Omega, Longines, count, Dafei Li Bai,弗兰克穆勒(Frank Muller), Qi Lai Po, and other brands. In addition to its Siwo represented by the fashion watch less.
Music Box (MUSIC BOX)
Clocks and watches from the technology developed in the Music Box in the world is a very high level of production. Can maintain a permanent beautiful sound. Not only wide range of repertoire, but also with art or fine wood carvings of the box, the Music Box High prices as high as several million or so. Of course, or a watch shop in the gift shop is also cheap music box sales.
瑞士军刀是兼备刀、瓶起子、剪刀等多功能性的刀。在瑞士,这种刀主要在部队使用。带军刀做露营或钓鱼等室外活动非常方便,其中VICTORY NOX 和Wenger很有名。最近,从VICTORY NOX发展起来的,卡片式多功能工具刀“瑞士卡”因轻便适合做礼物,备受青睐。
Swiss Army knife is both a knife, screwdriver bottles, scissors, and other multi-function knife. In Switzerland, this knife, mainly in the use of force. Saber to do with camping or outdoor activities such as fishing is very convenient, well-known VICTORY NOX and Wenger. Recently, VICTORY NOX from the developed, multi-function card tool knife, "Rui Shika" as a result of light suitable for gifts, favored.
Arts and crafts (embroidery / wood carving, etc.) (VARIOUS HANDCRAFTS)
Switzerland winter as a result of a lot of snow, and many places vulnerable to disruption of traffic, perhaps in traffic was interrupted, can be produced because of serious attention, it is a time to use the slack period of handicraft production, characteristic or famous by consumers Welcome. Prosperous textile industry in St. Gallen, or Appenzell, slim lace and embroidery of the famous; in behalf of the fort, clip art handicrafts are very famous. In order to have been carved wood renowned Brienz, you can buy handicrafts. - 观点2: 中文的瑞士国家档案
英文的瑞士国家档案 - 扩展阅读1:初学者怎么学奶茶教程
- 在实体店,不用担心培训学费太高或,也不怕对方有所保留,学不会全套技术,更不用问学做奶茶要培训多久,因为奶茶店老板会要求你快速学会做奶茶技术,然后上岗工作,时间大概是7-10天左右 每天大量练习做各种奶茶饮品,很快...
- 扩展阅读2:学习做奶茶要多少钱啊?
- 学做奶茶上培训班大概要5000-10000元左右。奶茶培训的费用包含以下这些方面:1、奶茶培训课程的学费将包括课本费:就像我们在初中和高中学习时一样,也有针对参加奶茶培训班的学生的教科书,以便学生可以学习食物营养,烹饪技能,...
- 扩展阅读3:菜谱诗句整首
- 2. 描写美食的诗句 1、《江上渔者》 宋代:范仲淹 江上往来人,但爱鲈鱼美。 君看一叶舟,出没风波里。 译文:江上来来往往的人只喜爱鲈鱼的味道鲜美。 看看那些可怜的打鱼人吧,正驾着小船在大风大浪里上下颠簸,飘摇不定。 2、...
- 扩展阅读4:平凉羊肉泡馍第一名
- 平凉羊肉泡馍第一名 1. 简介 平凉羊肉泡馍,是西北地区的一道传统美食,以平凉地区的羊肉为主料,搭配面饼,再浇上辣椒酱、醋等调味品而成。平凉羊肉泡馍的香气扑鼻,羊肉肥瘦相间,口感细腻,辣椒酱的微辣却又令人无法拒绝...
- 扩展阅读5:西安的羊肉泡馍与其他地方的有何不同
- 之后,我还去了其他的羊肉泡馍店尝试,发现每家店的味道都有所不同,这也让我深刻地感受到了羊肉泡馍在西安的重要地位。除了羊肉泡馍之外,西安还有很多其他的美食,比如肉夹馍、凉皮、泡沫红茶等等,这些美食都非常有特色,让...
- 扩展阅读6:宝宝着凉后又吃了红烧肉和冰棍,吐了又发烧了,怎么办?
- 孩子的肠胃弱,吃了冰棍之类的东西容易伤胃,引起肠胃的不适,身体上面也有所表现,也许是发烧也许是拉肚子。所以下次还是别让他吃了或者少吃一些吧。
- 扩展阅读7:制作好吃的羊肉泡馍注意事项是什么,求教
- 羊肉泡馍的注意事项还有步骤挺多的,首先羊肉泡馍的掰馍的方法比较讲究,一个两个要是死面,一份发面揉在一起烙制而成全是死面,口感不好且不利消化全是发面,就泡不成了等等,很多主要事项具体可咨询|冠香兴|小吃。我...
- 扩展阅读8:平凉的羊肉泡馍
- 羊肉给的很多,汤的味道也很不错,饼实在不敢恭维,发面饼泡汤里就糟了,只能咬着吃,和西安,汉中等地的饼相比,更喜欢陕西的。没有掰馍的过程好像吃泡馍少了点什么。平凉春华楼的泡馍肉多,汤的味道都很好,就差在馍...
- 扩展阅读9:咸菜店需要起一个店名字,还有一个大饼子店的名字
- 咸菜店名是可以取一个童年的回忆,饼子的店名应该要取你自己前面有个字,还是后面的一个字,这样人家才知道,记得起你的名字的味道,你也可以取一些别的名字,如果你觉得我的好的话,你就可以用我的取名。
- 扩展阅读10:以奶茶、酸辣粉为主的小吃店,请大伙儿给推荐个店名
- 酸辣茶餐厅