- 观点1: 1. Paella is a Valencian rice dish that originated in its modern form in the mid-19th century near lake Albufera, a lagoon in Valencia, on the east coast of Spain.Many non-Spaniards view paella as Spain's national dish, but most Spaniards consider it to be a regional Valencian dish. Valencians, in turn, regard paella as one of their identifying symbols.
There are three widely known types of paella: Valencian paella (Spanish: paella valenciana), seafood paella (Spanish: paella de marisco) and mixed paella (Spanish: paella mixta), but there are many others as well. Valencian paella consists of white rice, green vegetables, meat (rabbit, chicken, duck), land snails, beans and seasoning. Seafood paella replaces meat and snails with seafood and omits beans and green vegetables. Mixed paella is a free-style combination of meat, seafood, vegetables, and sometimes beans. Most paella chefs use calasparra or bomba rices for this dish. Other key ingredients include saffron and olive oil.
2. Gazpacho is a cold Spanish/Portuguese tomato-based raw vegetable soup, originating in the southern region of Andalucía. Gazpacho is widely consumed throughout Spain, neighboring Portugal (where it is known as gaspacho) and parts of Latin America. Gazpacho is mostly consumed during the summer months, due to its refreshing qualities and cold serving temperature.
In the historical description of gazpacho it was remarked that the original receipe uses bread, water, vinegar, oil and salt. This receipt is very old in the Iberian Peninsula going back to Roman times. Every Andalusian region or comarca has its own variety of this popular food so there are many types of gazpacho. Gazpacho, since its humble origin, was a very deeply-rooted food for peasants and shepherds in the south of Spain. This origin gave rise to a wide variety of dishes called gazpacho and to some others that don't have this name but belong to the same category. Some authors have tried to clasify all these variations. The clasification by colour implies that there is a difference between the red ones (which contain tomato), the white ones (which contain no tomato, but include dried fruits) and the green ones (which are white but cointain some spices that make them green). The red one is the most prevalent one. The only thing all these variations have in common is the original gazpacho, in other words, the basic paste made of garlic and bread, the olive oil, which works as an emulsifier, the vinegar and salt. Keeping the traditional ingredients some kind of red-coloured fruits such as fragarias, muskmelon, etc., are also frequently added. These ingredients make the resulting gazpacho a bit sweeter than the traditional one. Despite this gazpacho is served as a main dish and sometimes as tapas.
3.Cozido is one of the traditional dishes of Portuguese and Spanish cuisine. A stew made with different meats and vegetables, numerous regional variations exist throughout Portugal and Spain.
Spanish stews or cocidos, as they are called in Spanish, are typical main dishes in Spain, particularly in the central and northern regions of Spain, typically consisting of meats, sausages, vegetables and garbanzo beans or chickpeas. The most famous is the Cocido Madrileño or Madrid Stew. In this version beef, ham, salt pork, chorizo, morcilla, a stewing chicken, garbanzos, potatoes, cabbage and carrots are the ingredients besides onion and garlic. Often a pig's trotter and a marrow bone and variations of other seasonal vegetables are included. One variation involves the broth of the cocido served as soup before, often with Spanish pasta in it.
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- 步骤 1.取适量的里脊肉根据自己食用的人数做出调整,把里脊肉片成薄片,加入少许盐和白胡椒粉腌制15分钟。2.大葱白和胡萝卜切丝,蒜切末,芹菜切碎备用,正宗的锅包肉会放姜丝,可根据自己喜好选择放或者不放。3.准备调味料...
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- 1.将里脊肉洗净,去筋斜着切成两半(就是将长方型的肉斜着切成两块三角型的肉)。2.将肉切成刀背薄厚的片。3.将料酒和1g盐加入肉片中抓匀。4.选中东北纯土豆淀粉。5.将淀粉倒入碗中,加入适量清水将淀粉泡半小时以上。
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