- 观点1: India's food consumption level than 15 years behind China. From the consumer point of view, Indian daily calorie intake 20% lower than the Chinese, the food we eat is also cheaper.
China is now the level of per capita calorie intake in Japan and Europe was flat, the level is quite high, from this point, although Indian food was once prosperous and popular in the world, but now has lost its place was.
Like many developed countries, the Chinese diet, including meat, dairy products and natural green food, which is usually what we call the expensive foods, like cereals and pulses such cheap food is no longer the staple food of the Chinese people. With the growth of rural incomes in China for meat, vegetable and fruit will be greatly increased demand, thereby stimulating consumption, stimulating demand.
In the diet, the difference is very obvious and India. FAO data show that in 2002 cereal products in the Chinese diet less than 25%, but up to 40% in India. Eggs, fish, meat, fruits and vegetables high in China's main food is the food, the same ratio of less than 25% in India.
Let us look at India's economic growth.
According to UNCTAD statistics, India's rapid economic development period, diet development is not fast, can not keep up during China's economic development level.
Dietary level of demand and consumption level of progress in China and India are also very different between the two countries. The late 90s of last century, China's per capita daily calorie intake is only 10% in developed countries. India is the same low level of calorie intake and per capita income growth. In the past 20 years, per capita consumption of rice and flour in India than China is still low.
Of course, with the development of mature, China's per capita food consumption than in the past in the future will decline, while there is still great room for growth in India and China may catch up. - 观点2: 印度《经济时报》:中国饮食水平高于印度
希望LZ注意一下我楼下的翻译很像是网上翻择工具翻译的,有可能不准。 - 观点3: 中国菜很简单 色 味 艺 型
印度菜 乱七八糟一锅烩~ - 观点4: 我不会,占个沙发
- 观点5: 很大很大
- 观点6: 可以用中文吗,我才小学
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