- 观点1: 第一次烧饭
第一次是人生中最重要的一次,没有第一次人类就不会进步,没有第一次人生就味如嚼蜡 记得我第一次做饭是在小学四年级的时候 那是在放暑假,平时就比较喜欢睡懒觉的我,自然一觉睡到了上午9点多。我慢吞吞地穿少衣服,叠好被子,心想:爸爸妈妈会做什么好吃的呢?是妈妈最擅长的鸡蛋饼,还是西式的汉堡、面包呢?想着想着,肚子更饿了。我走出房门等着爸爸催我快去洗脸、刷牙,可今天不一样,爸爸妈妈不见了 我以为他们也在睡懒觉,可是当我走到他们卧室门口的时候,却意外地发现了一张纸条:双双,我们去参加同学聚会了,你自己吃点面包吧。爸爸、妈妈去参加聚会了?就我一个人在家?耶 我哼着小曲打开冰箱找面包,可是......面包呢?没办法,我只好自己做饭了。我穿好围裙学着妈妈的样子打鸡蛋。我一手拿着鸡蛋,一手拿着碗,把鸡蛋在碗边轻轻敲了一下,没破?我再敲,敲,敲!总算把这个顽固的家伙敲开了然后把鸡蛋搅匀就开始蒸了。我把盛着鸡蛋的碗放在电磁炉上,为了节省时间我一边淘米一边蒸着鸡蛋。我一边淘一边想:妈妈做鸡蛋糕时都放了些什么呢?我怎么感觉少放了点什么。这时我打开水龙头,水!对,就是忘了加水了!我赶紧盛了一些水倒进鸡蛋糕里。我突然又想到了油,可油在哪呢?我在厨房里翻天覆地地找了好久才找到,我如获至宝,在碗里倒了点油。终于安心了,去看书,等着吃美味的鸡蛋糕。恩?这么长时间了怎么还没好?哎,我又忘了插上电源了。当我把电源插好,按下开关后,已经十点多了又等了20分钟,才去关上电磁炉。当我拿起勺子吃下第一口自己做的鸡蛋糕时,我很激动---虽然忘了放盐 什么事情没有尝试就没有成功,虽然这次做饭只做了一个鸡蛋糕和大米粥,但是我相信只要我愿意尝试,总有一天我能做出更多美味的佳肴
For the first time in life is the most important one, not the first time humanity will not progress, there is no life for the first time on the flavor, such as Juela remember the first time I was cooking in the fourth grade when it was released in the summer, usually more I like the Shuilan Jue, a natural sleep the sleep more than 9:00. I slow to wear less clothing, blankets folded, I thought: parents will do what it's delicious? Mom is best egg cake, or Western-style hamburger, bread it? Thinking about thinking, more hungry bellies. I walked out the door waiting to go wash my father reminder, brush their teeth, not the same as today, the parents are gone, I think they are Shuilan Jue, but when they come to my bedroom door, but accidentally found A note: both, we have to attend a gathering of students, you have bread to eat it. Parents to attend the meeting? I am a person at home? Ye humming a ditty I open the refrigerator looking for bread, but bread ...... it? No way, I had no choice but to own the cooking. I put on their aprons to learn to fight like mother's eggs. I single-handedly holding an egg in one hand and holding a bowl, lightly Wanbian eggs in clicking a knock, did not break? I knock, knock, knock! At least this stubborn guy knocked on the eggs and then began to steam the Jiaoyun. I put a bowl of egg dishes on the induction cooker, in order to save time while I Wash rice and a side of steamed eggs. I would like to one side while Amoy: mother cooking chicken when the cake is put to? I put a little sense of how something. Then I opened the tap, water! Yes, that is forget the water! I hasten to Sheng some cake, chicken into the water. I suddenly thought of oil, oil, which in this? I am in the kitchen to look for earth-shaking for a long time to find it, I was highly valued in the fuel bowl upside down. Finally reassuring, to see the book, waiting to eat delicious chicken pie. En? For such a long time had not yet how good? Hey, I forgot to plug in the power supply. When I plug the power, press the switch, has more than 10 o'clock, and so another 20 minutes before trying to close the induction cooker. When I pick up the spoon to be caused by the first I have made chicken cake, although I am very excited --- forget what salt does not try there will be no success, although this time only to cook a chicken and rice cakes, But I believe that as long as I am willing to try, I will one day be able to make food more delicious - 扩展阅读1:炒刀削面
- 1、食材:刀削面适量、牛肉(猪肉)适量、新鲜辣椒适量、青菜适量、洋葱适量、西红柿适量、蒜苔适量、盐少量、豆瓣酱适量、食用油适量。2、准备好刀削面,洋葱,蒜苔,肉,上海青,鲜辣椒,3、洋葱切丁,辣椒切丁,注意大小...
- 扩展阅读2:刀削面怎么炒 方法非常简单
- 1、洋葱切丁,辣椒切丁,注意大小,蒜苔切段,肉切片。2、锅中倒入水,放到火上开始烧水,水开下刀削面,刀削面煮到七八成熟即可,捞出放入凉水里过一下。3、锅中放油,将豆瓣酱、肉、蒜苔放入锅中翻炒,五分熟时...
- 扩展阅读3:刀削面怎么炒
- 1、将刀削面煮熟备用。鸡蛋打散,圆白菜切成一公分宽的条。2、起油锅,油热后倒入鸡蛋,翻炒均匀后盛出备用。3、倒入适量的油,下葱姜,放入白菜翻炒至软,加入盐和适量的生抽。4、下刀削面和鸡蛋,翻炒均匀即可。刀...
- 扩展阅读4:老人生日宴菜谱12个菜
- 01菠萝咕噜肉 菠萝咕噜肉是一道广东的特色名菜,也是老人生日宴菜谱中的一道经典菜品。它的制作方法简单,以出骨的精肉加调味与淀粉拌和制成一只只大肉圆,入油锅炸,至酥脆,粘上糖醋卤汁。菠萝咕噜肉的酸甜可口让人回味无穷...
- 扩展阅读5:兰州拉面为什么清真
- 真正的兰州牛肉面大多数是清真的,兰州拉面大多汉民开的,所以把清真符号贴起来
- 扩展阅读6:自制刀削面的做法步骤图,自制刀削面怎么做
- 详情请查看视频回答
- 扩展阅读7:宝宝感冒有点鼻塞咳嗽,想给他增加营养吃点水煮蛋,可以不?
- 不建议食用哦,小儿感冒时,常有食欲不振,消化不良的现象,而鸡蛋属高蛋白质食物,小儿进食后较难消化,并且感冒期间吃鸡蛋容易有痰,要想吃鸡蛋可以等感冒好了。宝宝感冒时服用小快克,可以缩短感冒病程,我家孩子一直吃这个...
- 扩展阅读8:红烧肉可以炖哪些菜
- 红烧肉里适合炖土豆、芸豆、茄子、豆角、豆腐、洋葱、圆白菜、螺丝椒、海带、粉条、腐竹、干笋、地瓜、胡萝卜、香干、面筋卷、板栗、鲜竹笋、荔浦芋、南瓜、鹌鹑蛋等,具体可根据个人喜好以及时令季节做出调整。红烧肉的做法各地...
- 扩展阅读9:石泉五香豆腐干是哪里的特产
- 石泉五香豆腐干,产于城郊二里桥村。这个村水井湾有个清泉,冬暖夏凉。用这种水做五香豆腐干,起于清朝道光年间,距离现在有150多年历史。石泉豆腐干,色泽呈淡黄色或赤褐色,质地细腻,有筋丝和弹性,晶体发亮,带油润,...
- 扩展阅读10:泉口豆腐丝是哪里的特产
- 泉口豆腐丝豆腐丝采用德江北部农家自种的黄豆为原料,以颗粒齐整、无杂质、无虫眼、无发霉变质为好。制作工序主要包括:泡料(将黄加温水300C左右浸泡)、磨料(使用石磨)、过滤(使用滤网,俗称豆腐包)、煮浆(用敞口大锅...