

观点1: Raining Sunshine
by Miranda Cosgrove

Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine
When you think all hope is gone
There's a place somewhere beyond
Take a chance and realize
It's right before your very eyes

Leave the Dark clouds far behind
And step outside, the weather's fine

It's raining sunshine,
It's raining sunshine
All over mankind
It's raining sunshine

As real as it can be,
Believe in what you see
Not just in your mind
It's raining sunshine

Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine
Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine

Somethin's in the atmosphere,
Don't be scared of what you fear.
Look around, the storm has passed,
Just hurricanes of happiness.

Raise up your umbrellas high,
And stand beneath, the clear blue sky

It's raining sunshine
It's raining sunshine
All over mankind
It's raining sunshine

As real as it can be
Believe in what you see
Not just in your mind
It's raining sunshine

Too many wonders to explain
Rays of sunlight, drops of rain
Coming down from up above
Cloudy with a chance of love

Can't you feel it in the air?
Sweet sensations everywhere
Whatever weather is in store,
Bring it on, because I want more

Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine
Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine

It's raining sunshine
It's raining sunshine
All over mankind
It's raining sunshine

As real as it can be
Believe in what you see...
It's not just in your mind,
It's raining sunshine
观点2: 你说的是不是这?


观点3: Raining Sunshine
观点4: Raining Sunshine by Miranda Cosgrove Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine When you think all hope is gone There's a place somewhere beyond Take a chance and realize It's right before your very eyes Leave the Dark clouds far behind And step outside, the weather's fine It's raining sunshine, It's raining sunshine All over mankind It's raining sunshine As real as it can be, Believe in what you see Not just in your mind It's raining sunshine Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine Somethin's in the atmosphere, Don't be scared of what you fear. Look around, the storm has passed, Just hurricanes of happiness. Raise up your umbrellas high, And stand beneath, the clear blue sky It's raining sunshine It's raining sunshine All over mankind It's raining sunshine As real as it can be Believe in what you see Not just in your mind It's raining sunshine Too many wonders to explain Rays of sunlight, drops of rain Coming down from up above Cloudy with a chance of love Can't you feel it in the air? Sweet sensations everywhere Whatever weather is in store, Bring it on, because I want more Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine Sunshine, Sunshine, Raining, Sunshine It's raining sunshine It's raining sunshine All over mankind It's raining sunshine As real as it can be Believe in what you see... It's not just in your mind, It's raining sunshine

1. 凉拌黄瓜 主料:黄瓜1根,辣椒适量,葱姜末适量。调料:白醋、酱油、糖、盐、鸡精适量。制作方法:①洗净去皮切小块的黄瓜。②将黄瓜放入碗中,加入姜末和盐,拌匀,静置15分钟,使其出水。③将黄瓜倒入篮子中,滤干...
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适宜人群:一般人群均可食用,最适宜中老年人、阳痿、早泄、性功能减退、 冷淡的人、妇女、脑力工作者食用。 营养分析    1. 羊肚菌含抑制肿瘤的多糖,抗菌、抗病毒的活性成分,具有增强机体免疫力、抗疲劳、抗病毒、...
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