- 观点1: Paris food</B> is known throughout the world for its unparalleled quality and taste. The wide variety of food in Paris is sure to overwhelm every food lover with delight. Paris is a heavenly destination for gourmets as the city offers a wide selection of culinary delights. The popular Paris cuisine ranges from fresh bread to delicious cheese and from creamy chocolates to pastries and much more. Those who wish to taste the best wine and food in the world must visit Paris. It is also the perfect place where food lovers can enjoy all forms of Indian, Middle Eastern, Asian and other international cuisine.
It is said that the Parisians are very serious regarding their meals and are also very enthusiastic about their food. The residents of Paris normally have lunch at noon, and generally eat dinner late at around 8 PM. For breakfast, the inhabitants of the city usually have a bagel, fruit and coffee.
Paris food guide offer an overview of the different varieties of food available across the city. Cheese, coffee and bread are considered as the main food items in Paris. The locally baked breads too are available in different varieties, textures, shapes and names. The baguette is one of the most popular breads in Paris. The types of cheese in Paris are also
endless. These varieties have interesting names like Brie of Melun, Brie of Montereau, Brie of Meaux, Coulommiers and Fontainebleau. Delicious cakes and pastries like Niflette, Paris-Brest, Puits d'amour and tart bourdaloue with fillings are very popular among the Parisians.
There are uncountable restaurants in Paris, that brag of their excellent chefs, who conjure some magical recipes for food lovers. The restaurants in Paris can be categorized as cozy bistros and upscale restaurants. Some of the renowned restaurants are Jules Verne Restaurant, Le Grand Colbert Restaurant, George Restaurant, Boulangeries Restaurant, French Nouvelle Restaurant, Traiteurs Restaurant and Dolce Vita Restaurant.
Paris fast food is very popular and tourists can gorge on all kinds of sandwiches, burgers, French fries, pizzas, hot dogs, hot chips and much more in numerous bistros, cafes and restaurants of the city. Fast food chains like McDonald's, Starbucks, KFC, Pizza Hut Express, H�0�1agen-Dazs and Quick are some of the very well known fast food restaurants in Paris. - 扩展阅读1:夏日常吃哪些水果可以轻松吃出好气色?吃柚子可以美白吗?
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