

观点1: 霸王别姬
观点2: Dishes are an important part of cuisine, with business functions and marketing value. Dishes and its function is concerned, mainly for the information function, aesthetic function, social and cultural functions. A good dish, if equipped with a wonderful, elegant, sonorous name, it will be a good mood, increased appetite, and Chinese dishes in addition to color, smell, taste, shape, etc. requirements, there is a "name "question. Food must have good reputation, food to name transfer, were to pass food.

The naming of Chinese dishes are mainly based on material, taste, shape, quality, color, season, cooking techniques, names, characters, allusions, metaphors, to express his emotion expression, digital, etc.. From the big side, can be summarized into three categories:

(A), realism nomenclature
This is a real word combinations Dishes that way, is the dish named in the main and most widely used visual methods, view the name, you can understand some of the features dishes such as raw material composition, color and shape, cooking method, taste and other dishes. Dishes suitable for such a literal translation method, direct and clear. Such as "Garlic Steamed Lobster" (steamed lobster with garlic).

(B), Ideological and nomenclature
This is one side dish features the beautification of naming its name from the fact that vocabulary and word combinations that constitute a virtual, real in a virtual, see and know the food's raw material, while still somewhat refined taste. "If the orchid bamboo shoot (sauté fresh bamboo shoots shaped like orchids) is a small selection of fresh bamboo shoots, Sun Jian then fried knife cut into the shape of orchids." "Orchid" that shoots into shape after cooking, which is on the menu the shape of landscaping. Again, "Taiji poi" (Taiji taro cream), side dish is poi, the Uzbek side is dark bean paste, harmonious symmetry, reflects a balanced and unified, while another magnificent mellow harmonious beauty, expression a smug, health, clear, happy, lucky, happy wishes. "Tai Chi" is based on style dishes such as "gossip" and taken. Dishes such translation is available, free translation, literal translation, free translation, translation transfer.

(C), art nomenclature
1 Dishes itself from poetry, allusions, or idioms beautiful quote from the legendary, and a menu itself has a high appreciation of the value of literature. Such as turtle stewed chicken (steamed turtle and chicken) This Road soup known as "Farewell My Concubine." Dishes such dishes generally do not respond cooking method or ingredients, intended for translation or literal translation + Interpretation of law.
If the more specific categories, art nomenclature can be divided into the following 3 types:

1. Festive type
The dishes and taken to the auspicious blessings of name. For example, four 1's Pork, named "Sixi flesh" (braised brisket with brown sauce), there are "four lucky ones," a good mouth color. Hear the name of this dish, people will have the joy of psychology. The so-called "Si-xi", is old Fu, Lu, Shou, Xi; also can mean "Sixi poem" The Praise of the four HI: "Long drought every rain, the event afar refresher, wedding night, pass the examination when. " Dishes with "Sixi" in the name of that yearning for a better life.

2. Exaggerated type
Dishes is to be exaggerated and imagined, the placement of a luxury name. Such as "best in the world food" (fried shelled shrimps on toast), this dish is the rice crust crisp fried in hot oil, then shrimp, cooked chicken, chicken soup, etc. revolve juicy, get served when pouring juice the crispy rice on the plate occurred, "the cries of Rights" sound, emitting puff of smoke, smell scent. Emperor Qianlong and found it delicious taste abnormalities, that is, exclaim: "this menu worthy of that 'one in charge of food'." From its name, has been transmitted.

3. Allusion type
Dishes containing the story, unusual. Hubei dishes such as "Chinese Story" (deep-fried mandarin with egg and bamboo shoots) is used for boat mandarin fish, eggs Cheuk loose filling, shredded bamboo shoots than the arrow, made of real form of "Chinese Story" food, is from "Three Kingdoms" period of popular stories.
观点3: 霸王别姬
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