
Seafood chowder的家常做法、Seafood chowder怎样做好吃、Seafood chowder的制作方法及配料

Seafood chowder的制作材料:
主料:400g assorted fish and seafood, 500ml milk,1kg potatoes, peeled and diced,50g butter,25g lean smoked bacon, cut into thin strips,1 large onion, peeled and thinly diced,100g white of leek, thinly sliced,75g celery heart, finely sliced,2-3 cloves garlic调味料 : Peeled and sliced, 50g plain flour, 500ml London Gold, 750ml cooking liquor from the fish,50g creamed horseradish, Dash of Worcestershire Sauce ,Pinch of ground mace,2 tbsp. chopped fresh herbs, parsley, tarragon, chives etc. Seasoning 100ml London Gold
教您Seafood chowder怎么做,如何做Seafood chowder才好吃
Poach the fish and seafood in milk until just cooked. Drain off milk and reserve for the liquor. Remove bones or skin from fish and flake into small bite size pieces. Cook the potatoes. 

Gently fry, without coloring, the bacon, onion, leek, celery and garlic in the butter. Stir in the flour and make a white roux, allow to cool a little. Bring the fish liquor to the boil along with the London Gold .Place the roux back onto the heat and stir in the cooking liquor a little at a time until a creamy consistency is formed. 

Stir in the horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, mace and blanched potatoes. Bring back to the boil over a low heat for 20-30 minutes until the potatoes are cooked. Add seasoning if desired. 
Add the fish, seafood, additional London Gold, and chopped herbs. Bring back to the boil and serve with hot crusty garlic bread.

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